
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Take it easy....

We have gone alllllllll week.  And while this is not too much different then what we do every week this year, this week with two hour rehearsals each night have definitely taken their toll on this family.

I swore I wouldn't overcommitt my kids and we turn down a lot of activities.  And what they are involved in is all stuff that is different and I think is building them in terms of character and faith and intellect. 

But it can be exhausting....

Today in addition to their play tonight they were each supposed to have a soccer game through the day and a cast party (I'm not even sure they know about the cast party).  I've prayed for rain for days....just to have that break.  Isn't it amazing how God answers prayers?  This morning a gentle rain settled in around our home and games where canceled for the day.

So instead of bustling here and there - which is wonderful that we are able to do those activities at all - the kids played.  After breakfast they took off to the basement and I didn't see them for almost four more hours!  Later, friends from the neighborhood came over and they played outside.  What did they play you ask?  I have no idea!  I did check to make sure the gun I saw in the little boys pants was plastic and pretend (I just had to make sure) but other than that they just played!

Yesterday they played family and Rose was the mom and the other three were the kids.  And I'm pretty sure she "had" one of them - I witnessed this all with a smirk from further in the yard.  Nothing R-rated I promise (we haven't had that convo yet) but since that's been a big event in their lives this past year I can't say I'm surprised that is where their imagination took them.   

So today they played..... And like the gentle rain this morning it was an answered prayer for rejuvenatation and relaxation!

Now off to their second nightly performance and back to reality!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hello old friend...

Helllllooooo there old friend....oh how I've missed you!

Someone asked me the other day if I was still blogging and I said of course!  Because in my mind I've blogged a hundred times since my last post.

I have ideas constantly pouring out and I think about what I will share and the stories I will tell and of course I still blog.

Yet ..... there are no posts to show because they are bouncing around in my head while I am lucky enough to run my kids here or there.  Or on the tip of my tongue as I'm talking with a friend.  A favorite thinking spot is on the lawnmower at my grandma's house (this is also where God seems to have my explicit attention and we have many a conversations while I mow for a couple of hours!), however blogging and mowing don't mix.  

I won't apologize for cherishing this sweet time with my babies (who couldn't want to spend time with this cutie? At least when he's not crying!) and with my husband when we find the time....

But know I haven't forgotten you and I'm thinking of you all the time!