
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Not Just Another Birthday

Every year we are given a special day to reflect back on the years before and the years to come - our birthday.

Looking back over the years, there have been great ones.......and some I would prefer to forget.  But today has probably been the best so far and I am blessed to look back over the years and reflect on how lucky I have been with the life that I have been blessed with.

I don't remember a lot from my 8th (or many of my other younger birthdays) birthday except a very inexpensive present that one friend gave.  It was a handmade card with two dollar bills through out it at the appropriate places and it said "Two (with a bill here), Four (and another one here), Six (and another one here.... you get the picture right?), Eight (last one!), Who do we appreciate?  Amber!" 

To this day, I have never forgotten this card and have shared the importance of heartfelt gifts with my kids.  When Rose, my daughter who is in first grade, got upset one day because "nobody likes handmade cards Mom!" I told her of this one that I remembered all of this time.  Now, one of her and Bugs favorite things to do is to make cards for others - in fact, I just got mine for today!

Over the past year, we have been making changes in our home - one of which is being more involved in serving those and the world around us.  Regardless of how hard we may struggle at times, I am so fortunate to have a job, amazing children, a wonderful husband, a home, a family that is extremely supportive and involved - things that so many others don't have.  So today, to celebrate this day and all that have been given to me - we chose to spend time with loved ones and give back to others.

We got to spend this morning with Bodie's family, then celebrate at church (of which Bugs announced my birthday during children's moments to the ENTIRE church - followed by my age....I'm thinking he should not be allowed anywhere near a microphone any more!), and then the whole family helped load and pack boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  It was overwhelming to be able to give back to others one this day when I have been given so much. 

We will be spending time with friends and my family this evening to finish the day out.  Spending the day with the ones I love, reflecting on the years many blessings I have received, and giving to others to fill some one else's cup - it's not just another birthday - it's the best birthday ever!

"Now I know, I know
It's not just another birthday
'Cause I'm here, she's here
And look how far we've come
Since you've called me, saw me
Held me and freed me
Thank you, Lord, for another birthday
And we'll be fine
We'll be fine"

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